Count Article & Document Length, Online Sentence Counter

To begin, enter some text into the text box above. You can either add text by typing manually or paste in some text from another source.

Find out exactly how many sentences are in your text content using this online sentence counter. This sentence counting tool will also give you basic information on the number of words and characters in your text.

The text box may look small but it can handle text content with thousands upon thousands of words very easily and quickly. It's a ideal sentence calculator for short stories, long articles, and even some books. It's a super quick way to figure out how many sentences you have in your text.

Sentence Counter Tool

The results will appear here.

Sentence Counter Online Revisions

I made some small improvements to the sentence count functionality. It can now count sentences for text that's badly formatted - for instance highly compressed text with no spaces between sentences can now be analyzed by this sentence counter.

Simply choose the "add a space" option to get a better sentence count total for text with no line breaks or similar.

Related to the Sentences Count Tool

If you like this online sentence counter, then you might like my word counter tool for checking and analyzing the total word count of your text content.

Or check out the random sentence generator for some random absurdity.

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