A Smart Title Capitalization Tool,Title Capitalization Tool
Title case is when the first letter of every word is capitalized except shorter words such as ‘the’, ‘a’, and ‘on’. Multiple style guides recognize title case such as APA, Chicago, and MLA styles. Using title case styles can help improve readability and draw readers’ attention.
Use this title capitalization tool to capitalize headlines for your blog or website. It's a quick title case converter for people who post online content.
This capitalization tool is great for online publishers who want to quickly capitalize the headlines of posts or articles. It's not well-suited to some journalists who need a wider variety of very specific capitalization formats such as AP or NYT style.
How to Capitalize Your Blog Post Title
Follow these Easy Steps to Capitalize your Blog Post.
- Paste your headline into the empty content box.
- Click on the Title Case button to convert the headline.
- Choose the copy to clipboard option to grab the title for posting on your website.
I also have a tool that can capitalize one or more sentences at the same time – it's great for longer content that lacks capitals. It's especially fantastic for correcting accidental all-caps text or similar.
The Rules of Title Case for All Your Posts
This online title capitalization tool can be used to change the headlines of your blog posts or news articles into the correct title case.
In title case, the first word and the last word are always capitalized and all other words are capitalized except for the words that are articles, conjunctions, or prepositions. In title case style, these three articles of speech are in lowercase when not in the first or last position of the sentence.
Words That Aren't Capitalized in Titles
Here are the three parts of speech that aren't capitalized when using title case.
Articles aren't capitalized in the English language. Determining what they are is pretty simple. It's one of these three words; a, an, the.
Conjunctions aren't capitalized. The conjunction list is slightly longer at basically seven words; and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet.
Prepositions aren't capitalized and they are mostly the ones that cause a problem. They create the most confusion. Prepositions are words like as, by, for, from, in. They generally appear before a noun or pronoun.
This tool leverages over a hundred of the most common prepositions for title capitalization. This will automatically take care of the vast majority of prepositions in your blog posts or news titles.
Propositions Used by This Title Case Converter
As stated above, propositions are excluded from capitalization when using Title Case for your headlines. In case you're curious, these are all propositions that the tool will automatically exclude from being capitalized.
Here's the list of all English propositions we use: about, above, according to, across, after, against, ahead of, along, amidst, among, amongst, an, and, apart from, around, as, as far as, as well as, aside from, at, barring, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, by means of, circa, concerning, despite, down, due to, during, except, except for, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in, in accordance with, in addition to, in case of, in front of, in lieu of, in place of, in spite of, in to, including, inside, instead of, into, like, minus, near, next, next to, nor, of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, on to, on top of, onto, opposite, or, out, out from, out of, outside, over, owing to, past, per, plus, prior to, regarding, round, since, so, than, the, through, throughout, til, times, to, toward, towards, under, underneath, unlike, until, unto, up, up to, upon, via, with, with a view to, with regard to, with respect to, within, without, yet.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Some words can be both a preposition and an adverb depending on how they're used in the sentence. These words which can be more than one article of speech have been mostly excluded from use in this tool. Adding that kind of contextual complexity is currently beyond the scope of this capitalization tool.
The Rules for Sentence Case Style
Unless you're writing for an academic journal or a large newspaper where very specific headline styles like AP or Chicago Manual are used, the other popular option for capitalizing titles is called Sentence Case.
Sentence case is a fairly simple straightforward methodology. You just have to follow the rules you would use when writing a sentence. Capitalize the first word and capitalize any words that happen to be proper nouns. Proper nouns are things like days of the week, country, events, and so on. Here are some examples of words that should be capitalized; Friday, America, and Oktoberfest.
This tool doesn't currently have a sentence case option but if I get some free time, I'll add it to the capabilities of this capitalization tool.
Title Capitalization Revised Tool
I've done a bit of revising to the title capitalization capabilities of this tool. Alongside title case, it now overs two additional options. One is the option to capitalize each and every word in the sentence. The second is to capitalize every single letter in the sentence. For those times when you need extremely loud text. ☺
Get Ideas Using Random Words
Creative Random Words: generate random words to help you brainstorm for ideas.
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